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REVO Adults
Muay Thai is recognized globally as the most effective striking art today.
Known as the art of 8 limbs, Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) allows the combatant the opportunity to strike with their fists- knees- elbows- and feet (shins). A traditional Martial Art, Muay Thai is the national sport for the country of Thailand.
Many people consider taking up Kickboxing or Muay Thai for the high levels of fitness that can be achieved, others relish competition or have become intrigued by the culture. As well as the benefits that come with being physically fit, there is a confidence that comes with knowing you will be able to handle yourself well in difficult situations.
*3 Stages of REVO Level:
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advance
*1st Stage: Beginner Level
The intro level is suitable for complete beginners or people with little experience of muay thai. Students are taught basic striking techniques such as boxing, elbows, knees and kicks. This is carried out in shadow work, drill work with a partner (learning attacks and defense), as well as pad work and bag work. Heavy sparring is not involved at this level. The Intro level builds up core strength, flexibility and anaerobic fitness. Muay Thai traditions and etiquette are also introduced to students. Intro classes are taught in a safe and friendly environment.
A typical Intro class will consist of the following:
Warm up:
· Skipping or a round of cardio fitness
· Stretching then the introduction to the art itself, the history and the technical side of the art by showing the stance and the weapons. Introducing the concept of "shadow boxing".
Depending on the type of the class it could be technical or pad:
Technical: Covers the basics punches, kicks, elbows, knees, clinch and drilling them into combinations, utilizing basic attacking strategies and defensive concepts.
Pad: Showing the basics then drilling them into pads. Warm down by a round of cardio e.g. press ups, sit ups etc at a fast rate.
*2nd Stage: Intermediate Level
Warm up with skipping 3 x 3 minute or 5 x 3 minute rounds with 1 min intervals which consists of 10 burpees, press ups, sit ups and jump squats. Stretching then a cardio round, a round of shadow boxing (keeping shape, guard and balance and adding in weapons with strategies. Depending on what type of class it is it could be Technical, Conditioning, Pad or a Sparring class.
Technical: Building up combinations and setting them up to use when sparring.
Pad: Drilling in combinations so you can remember them and use them in sparring and also get a great work out from it.
Conditioning: Working on pads and bag working on core fitness. Bag work can involve Tabata or Interval training focusing on power and fitness.
Sparring: getting that feel for when you are in the ring, sparring again gets you fit and pushes you up if you want to get better and compete for your club.
*3rd Stage: Advanced Level
​For advanced and experienced people who train and fight muay thai; this advanced level everything should come natural. Warm up with skipping with 1 min intervals which consist of 10 burpies, press ups, sit ups and jump squats then skipping straight away or running 1/2 hr before the class starts.
Technical building up combinations and setting them up to use when light sparring so you can work them out to use on your opponent. Concepts are now highly technical and come as second nature.
Pad: Drilling in combinations, so you should be able execute 3, 4, 5, and 6 shot combinations easily on the pads.
Conditioning: Working on pad and bag, being able to execute combos for when you spar, also getting fitness level up to a position where fighting becomes easy and where a 5 x 2 minute bout is comfortable.
Sparring: Getting that feel for while you’re in the ring, sparring again gets you fit and pushes you up if you want to get better and become an amateur level fighter.
Becoming a Trainer (Kru) - Some members will have a natural affinity with people and will have an interest in training others. Such individuals stand out at this level and are approached (invitation only) to join a coaching programme where they learn to become a Kru. Minimum requirement is to be an accomplished amateur or C class or above fighter and/or over 10 years experience in martial arts in general, having taught to a high level in another art.
*After each session there are 100-200 sit ups and 100 neck lifts and 100 kicks on the bags for conditioning.