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Car Parks

As part of your security managements, AGSS officers can keep watch over your organization’s facilities. Officers will carry out frequent, but deliberately random patrols to:

  • Provide a high profile deterrent against thieves and vandals

  • Ensure that visitors park correctly in the designated spaces

  • Assist drivers in finding spaces, exits and so on

  • Enforce parking rules and charges if these apply as well as issuing penalty notices

  • Monitor the use of disabled parking spaces and assist them


Mail Room and Switchboard

A coordinated, secure solution to all your internal and external communication needs, from bulk mailing to paging and dispatch. Courtesy and efficiency count when it comes to first impressions. Our skilled operators include multi-lingual staff.


Security Consultancy

Even if you have had security measures in place for many years and believe you have covered all bases, it pays to have an independent security audit. We will:

  • Identify weakness in your procedural security systems       

  • Review access controls and CCTV measures

  • Examine accident prevention measures

  • Trace flaws in your information technology network

  • Look and the safety of staffs, visitors and clients

  • Assess and act to protect assets both tangible and intangible

Private Investigations

Statistics suggest that more than 80% of corporate fraud is committed by existing employees. Most cases are uncovered by accident, many when it is too late. That is why we place as much emphasis on prevention as we do on recovery. Before trouble strikes, we will audit and examine ring-fence and upgrade, then re-examine – systems, people, processes, supply chains and more. We will provide you with specific indicators you can monitor to spot trouble. If what you suspect has already happened, we will investigate - covertly and discretely – until we identify the source of the problems, as well tracing missing funds and assets. 

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AGSS approach to security is different and sets us apart from other security companies. We first stabilize and improve, and then challenge and innovate. We utilize the best technology to support our customers and security teams to provide a leaner, smarter and more connected organization.



No 24, Jalan Susur Idaman,

Nusa Idaman, 79100 Nusajaya, 

Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia.

Tel: +607 - 531 9100 

Fax: +607 - 531 9009


07- 531 9100
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